Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Progress!

We got the backing off of the entertainment center (we are replacing that) and I got the doors and the front of the 'counter' covered with the brushed stainless adhesive covering. I had to move the hinges on the door that will be the oven door, so I pre-drilled little pilot holes for those, and attached the hinges.

I have pulled a bunch of odds and ends from an old kitchen stove we just happen to have on our property. I was going to take the old oven door handle, cut it in two and somehow make the handles for the wee oven door and the wee fridge door. I know I could have figured out a way to make it work....but these pulls were on clearance at Lowe's.


The area that will be the top of the stove gets covered with the adhesive brushed stainless too. I didn't notice when we got the unit that the surface some swelling from water damage. So, I sanded it down until it felt smooth.

It doesn't look as smooth in person as it looks in the photo.

I'm pretty disappointed, but last night I told myself that by the time we add burners and knobs, maybe it won't be so noticeable. Later last night, I realized I have a spare shelf piece the exact size of that space. It is perfectly smooth - no water damage! I could cover it with the stainless, and just put it on top of the one that's icky. Of course, I'm 2 inches short of having enough of the stainless left to do this. Dare I drop another $7 on the stickyback stainless to do this piece? As I type this, I think I probably will.

Here is our progress so far. Not bad!

Hubby is going to get the backing today (and I'll ask him to pick me up another roll of the adhesive stainless) and tonight after Little Bit is in bed we're going to cut openings for the sink and faucet.

Slowly but surely, it's coming together! If you have any ideas, comments, thoughts - we'd love to hear them! Please leave a comment! :)


stacey said...

looks better than my kitchen1 lol can't wait to see more. only suggestion, can you put a window above the sink? like a fake on with a pretty outdoor view and curtains?

Anonymous said...

I would probably buy more stainless contact too. It looks nice and I am sure whatever you decide your daughter will be so happy on Christmas morning. Us moms worry about everything don't we? Cheryl

Laura said...

Stacey, I seriously considered a kitchen window, but I was worried about structural integrity...and my ability to cut a square window on the first try. ;)

See, this backing has other anonymous holes in it (over on the stove stide), so I think we just wanted to start fresh. I do think she would have loved a window, though! :)